AGN President, Emeka Rollas Attacked


The Actors Guild of Nigeria (AGN) president, Emeka Rollas has been attacked by members of the Abia State chapter of the guild amid the crisis rocking the Abia AGN.

According to the AGN members, Emeka Rollas has been instigating crisis in the Abia AGN.

The Abia State AGN members made the allegation on Wednesday, May 1st, 2024 after their monthly meeting in Umuahia.

They said; “We are here to tell the world that the problem in AGN in the state was created by the National office, including the President, Emeka Rollas.”

“Let them stop creating parallel groups to distract the good works the Chairman is doing here.”

The Public Relations Officer of Abia AGN, Chukwuemeka Onyekwere stated that that David Amalaha who was duly elected on May 2023 as Abia State Chairman, has not been recognized by the AGN President, Emeka Rollas.

They accused Emeka Rollas of imposing Dorris Ogala as the interim Chairman of Abia AGN executive, despite there was a duly elected executive led by David Amalaha.

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They also accused Rollas of inciting series of crises and intimidation of actors by writing a petition to the State Police Command, declaring some members of AGN as the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) members.

They said Emeka Rollas had also disclaimed some of the actors in the Abia chapter through a media publication.

The actors claimed that relatives of many deceased actors from Abia State were not compensated by the AGN National office despite their lifetime contributions to the development of the film industry.

However, the actors led by David Amalaha said the executive has headed to the High Court, Umuahia to protect their fundamental human rights.

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