My Wife Wants Me Dead – Mr Ibu Cries Out


Nollywood veteran actor, John Okafor, popularly known as Mr Ibu has countered the allegation by his wife, Stella Okafor that he is sleeping with his supposed daughter, Jasmine Okafor.

The wife on Friday took the internet by storm after she called out the famous actor, telling the whole world that her husband abandoned her and her three children to live with Jasmine.

However, Mr Ibu, in an Instagram live interview with radio star, Daddy Freeze, stated that his wife wants him dead.

Speaking further, Mr Ibu said, during his travail at the hospital that his wife was no where to be found.

Mr Ibu also disclosed that whenever his wife comes to see him at the hospital that it is always fight and argument despite his condition.

According to Mr lbu; “Any time in don’t have money to give to Stella it is trouble. She sold all the five cars I bought for her. She also attempted to sell my house.”

Reacting to the allegation by his wife that Jasmine is not his daughter, Mr Ibu, said; “She is my adopted daughter and not my biological daughter. I adopted her many years ago”

In corroboration, Mr Ibu’s second son, Onyebuchi Okafor, said; “Jasmine is not my father’s biological daughter but adopted daughter. She is my step sister”

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