Popular Nigerian Pastor Exposed


Popular Chief Priest in Anaocha Local Government Area of Anambra State, Chief Ralph Ndidi Obi’s wife, Lolo Ebelechukwu Obi has dropped a bombshell.

Lolo in a recent interview with BBC pidgin disclosed that some top pastors in Nigeria (names upheld) patronize her husband who is a chief priest.

She said; “I got married to my husband eight years ago and some popular pastors usually visit my husband seeking for spiritual power to enable them perform miracles in their churches.”

“Prior to my marriage with my husband, I was a prayer warrior in church and I was dismayed when I saw the secret of some ‘men of God’ who display power in church.”

“After getting married to my husband, some pastors that I cannot even mention, I started seeing them here and my husband, the chief priest, usually works for them.”

“They used to come to him for power but when they return to their church, they will begin to cast the water spirit. We deliver people from spiritual husbands and wives. When you come to us, we just settle the spirit and you will go and marry your spouse.”

“There is nothing wrong with being a traditional worshipper, Nigerians’ perception of the religion is wrong.”

“When I was a prayer warrior in church, I used to see traditional worshippers as bad people but after marrying my husband, I found out that it is not even a bad thing.”

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